Feature-Length Documentary – Crests of the Soul

Crests of the soul

On the paths of healing

Portrait de Benjamin, réalisateur du documentaire 'Les Cimes de l'Âme', en pleine randonnée sur les crêtes pyrénéennes, souriant sous le soleil avec sac à dos et lunettes de soleil, symbolisant la résilience et l'aventure en montagne.
Le Réalisateur

Benjamin Le Botland

“An engineer by training, I’m a jack-of-all-trades, hyperactive, and passionate. After earning my Captain license, I transitioned into the sailing industry.

Upon returning from my latest scientific expedition to Iceland, I decided to launch ‘Sails of Science,’ a project aimed at raising awareness of climate change through sailing with our nonprofit boat.

A few months after a severe burnout from this project, I took on the challenge of completing the HRP to regain some mental balance.

Self-taught and a perfectionist, I set the bar high for my first feature-length film to deliver a high-quality audiovisual experience. To achieve this goal, I’ve surrounded myself with several experts in their respective fields.”

Where to Find Us?


Maison pour Tous – Ti An Holl
6 Quai du Plessis
56300 Pontivy

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